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7 Tips for Developing Your Independent Bartending Business

Are you an aspiring bartender with dreams of owning your own business? If so, you’ve come to the right place! 

Owning and running a successful independent bartending business is a great way to make money while having fun. 

But it takes more than just mixing drinks to succeed in this competitive field. Here are a few tips for developing your independent bartending business that will help you stand out from the competition and achieve success. 

From understanding customer needs to creating memorable experiences, these tips can help get your business off the ground and keep it thriving for years to come. 

What to Know About Independent Bartending Businesses

Before starting, it’s best to learn about how independent bartending businesses work so you can be in the best position for success. 

There are plenty of crash courses to take on the topic, or you might even consider going to school for business to learn more about options for maintaining a solid business. 

An independent bartending business is an enterprise that provides bartending services without being directly affiliated with any bars or restaurants. 

This type of business typically operates through contracts, taking on gigs from private events, clubs, bars, parties and other functions where alcohol is served.

 Independent bartenders are responsible for setting up their own bar areas, stocking the necessary ingredients, preparing and serving the drinks requested by guests. 

This differs from other bars, such as franchises or chains because the success or failure of the enterprise rests solely on the owner’s shoulders. 

While this can be a huge undertaking, it’s often much more worthwhile because of all the effort put into the success of the business.

For more information on the independent bartending business, visit Selfgood

1. Understand Your Customer Base

Before you can create a successful business, you need to understand who your customers are and what they expect from their bartending experience. 

Do research on the demographics of your area and figure out who is likely to visit your bar. 

Knowing the types of people that will come through your door will help you tailor drinks and experiences that they’ll enjoy.

2. Take Time To Learn Your Craft 

Running a successful independent bartending business requires more than just mixing drinks and pouring beer. 

You’ll need to learn the fundamentals of mixology, flavor pairings, and proper service techniques if you want to create an unforgettable experience for your customers. 

Whether through classes or self-teaching at home, take some time to really understand your craft before you open for business.

3. Get The Right Equipment 

You can’t serve drinks without the right equipment, so make sure you invest in quality bar tools and supplies that will last through the busiest shifts. 

Familiarize yourself with the types of glasses, shakers, juicers, and other tools available for commercial use and find the ones that fit your needs best. 

You don’t have to break the bank to get top-notch equipment, but don’t skimp on quality either if you want to make a good impression with customers.

4. Set Up An Entertaining Atmosphere 

It’s not just about having great drinks at your bar- the atmosphere is just as important. 

Create a space that your customers will enjoy visiting, whether it’s with good music, creative decor, or interesting lighting. 

You can even create unique events and activities for people to participate in during their time at your establishment. 

Anything you can do to make the experience fun and memorable will go a long way in getting repeat customers.

5. Promote Your Business 

You have to let people know that your bar exists if you want it to be successful! 

Use digital marketing tools like social media and email campaigns to spread the word about your business, or go old-school with fliers and newspaper ads. 

You can even work with local businesses on cross-promotion deals, such as discount offers on food or drinks when customers purchase something from the partnering business.

6. Keep Learning 

Bartending is an ever-evolving field, and trends are always changing. 

Stay up to date on the latest techniques, recipes, and industry news to keep your business fresh and exciting. 

And don’t forget to take time for yourself too! Educate yourself on management strategies or take a bartending course so you can grow in your profession and stay ahead of the competition.

7. Provide Excellent Customer Service 

At the end of the day, you want your customers to leave with a lasting impression. 

Make sure to provide exceptional customer service that will keep your patrons coming back for more. 

From helpful suggestions on what drinks to order to friendly conversation, put yourself in their shoes and do everything possible to make them feel welcome and appreciated.


Developing an independent bartending business is no easy feat, but it can be done with dedication and perseverance. 

Success in your independent bartending business depends on a number of factors. 

Aspects like understanding your customer base and taking time to learn your craft with the right equipment, you’ll have what it takes to make a successful go of it. 

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